

This is the miracle food.

Broccoli is a member of a cabbage family and did you know that it is originated in Italy. The first commercially grown broccoli was harvested in New York and for about 200 years Americans have broccoli in their gardens.

Today it has many types but the most common the type of broccoli has large flower heads and in green color.

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Now I understand why everyone names broccoli as a miracle food. Just take a breath now.

• Protects you against the cancer

• Crucifers Cut Risk of Bladder Cancer

• Kaempferol-rich Broccoli Protective against Ovarian Cancer

• Cruciferous Vegetables Help Lower Risk of Certain Aggressive Prostate Cancers

• Broccoli Teams Up with Tomatoes to More Effectively Fight Prostate Cancer

• Optimize Your Cells' Detoxification / Cleansing Ability

• Supports Stomach Health

• Helps for Sun-Damaged Skin

• A Cardio-Protective Vegetable

• Cataract Prevention

• Strengths Bones

• An Immune System Booster

• A Birth Defect Fighter

It provides a high amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folic Acid, Calcium, Beta Carotene, and Fiber.

If you don`t consume dairy products, broccoli is a great source for you. You will have all calcium to strengthen bones.

Vitamin C, will prevent the development of cataracts.

Folid Acid, is a supplement when you are taking birth control pills and canbe a great supplement during the pregnancy.

Fiber, enhances the gastrointestinal tract, as well as aims to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

This list will not end.

How to Select and Store

I know when fresh vegetables are delivered to my market and I shop on that days.It`s much easier and i`m so lucky that I don`t need to buy frozen veggies.

To choose broccoli, pick up the green ones. It must be dark green or purple according to which type of broccoli you are buying. Because it contains more beta carotene and vitamin C.

If its flowers get yellow, avoid buying. Because this is the sign of over maturity. Look at the leaves if they are still attached, they must be vibrant in color and not wilted.

What About The Storage?

You can keep for a week if it is stored in an open plastic bag in refrigerators crisper and for a year if it is blanched and then frozen.

Do not wash broccoli before refrigerating. Water on the surface will encourage degradation.

It is the best if used within a day or two after purchasing.

So I avoid buying large bunches and always choose for one meal.